I'm a geek, sorta. I dabble in technology, mostly computers. I've been outta the loop for awhile because of a dark period but, i"m getting back into it.
I'm lazy. I'm good looking. I like Chai tea. I have no sense of style other than my own. I'm smart and I'm an introvert. The only reason I can open up on this blog thing is cuz it's inderect. I'm not face to face with you while I write this.
I am a navy veteran. I was stationed in Japan for awhile and I miss that shite. I also spent some time in San Diego. I've been everywhere. From Southeast Asia to Australia. Was married. Now I'm divorced. Got two young ones. Davis and Mya. The coolest in the world. Trust me. I've had some ups and down but, who hasn't. I have some commitment issues now. I've been disillusioned. But, overall I'm a cool cat with a deep perspective of life and dimples to attract the ladies. Wassup mamacita, how bout me an you, you know, watch me stumble my way through this conversation while I try not to stare at your mammies. Shit.