Opensource it! A couple conspiracy theory videos. For the full versions click (Full) above corresponding trailer. Everyone should take the time to view these videos. Who controls you? Yourself, or your money? The truths are slowly being exposed. Some of us have always known. The conspiracy (Full)
Google for johnnyStampeed
Google 4 H4x0rs
articles are not claimed to be fact or fiction specific. All posts should be considered in the "I'm just sayin." context. peacepipejv claims no responsibility in case of extreme paranoia or bodily harm caused from rotflmao, cuz, ya know, I'm jus sayin.
Read! Claimer: feel free to send me any good stuff you come across. I may post it, especially if it causes me extreme paranoia or bodily harm caused from rotflmao. (Unless my internet breaks. Then I'll Jihad yerazz)
Call me John. Born in Santa Monica, CA. Aspiring webcomic artist.
Well, Me. I have a lot of questions. I read a lot in search of those answers. I question reality and where it all came from. I philosophize in the form of art. I believe I have a broad awareness of knowledge and understanding of the world and I might just be able to project that in this blog. Check it out for some crazy ideas.
Just a little heads up. I put no emphasis on grammer and organization. I don't plan on spending a lot of time on prefectionism. HAHA, get it. I saw it on a ThinkGeek T-shirt.
Hmmm, anything else? Maybe later. Alright, Cool. Welcome to my brains.
I dedicate my life to spreading opensource philosophy. For now I'm promoting it by spreading the word about Linux and other opensource projects like Mozilla's Firefox.
In the works is "Project Genome." Genome is a social networking project starting with a free internet lounge where people can come to learn the benefits of opensource via workshops and projects. We'll put our brains together to rediscover the internet and it's benefits. Eventually there will be expos and tournaments with prizes, live entertainment and concession. Also, promotion of the local arts and businesses with shows, galleries and business meeting space.
It's an ambitious project and it's gonna happen. Anyone interested in helping bring this concept to life feel free to let me know. Any one from the Linux and opensource community interested, your support is especially important.
Through this project I mean to help rediscover the internet as a resource, put the "unity" back in community and spread the word of opensource.