Hi there blog readers. This is my first official blog attempt if you don't
count Myspace. Of course, I have an agenda for this blog.
I am an aspiring web comic artist and plan to use this blog to accomplish my endeaver. So far all I have are a couple of sketched comics and some character concept art but, I do plan on progressing. Hopefully I can keep it up. I can eventually take advantage of my comic to make some cash and retire at a young age so I plan on doing some advertising if the hits look good. So if you enjoy my art tell your friends and lets make it happen.
I also plan on posting my adventures from the online community. I know how hard it is to find things of specific interest on the internet even considering the plethora of search engines. I have a few cool ways of doing so which I highly recommend. But for now I just want to get this blog started, ya heard? So, more about me later. More to come.
Now playing: Coheed & Cambria - Welcome Home
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