Terrorism is a very real threat. One should take precautions in any case of serious emergency. I here some of you saying, "but John, what if I don't know how to spot a terrorist?", and, "My in-laws are terrorists. Tell me what to do if you know so much." Look brah, I don't have all the answers. The government however, does. We don't have to worry about the WMDs thanks to El Capitano El Busho and his posse, and now, we can feel safe from the threat of your local terrorist. "But John, terrorists are people too. This is America, land of the free." TERRORIST FOUND! Follow instructions provided on yourself, please. Or are you a democrat? Don't make me Jihad yerazz! Where's your red-blooded Americanism? Every here and there I will post sage advice in case of terrorism and/or any other emergency, provided by the U.S. government (work for the gov and can't read? I got pictures, too. See, I'm a real American taking care of my people. I'm also a veteran). Look out for the direct link also.

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