Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Windows evolution

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Dang dawg. All these years, all these advancements in technology. Really, look what we have to show for it. One of the most widely used pieces of technology... is still a piece of crap. I know, I know, I still use it sometimes, I have my reasons,and not unless I need MS action. It's still good for some things, (like hot ex-girlfriends. Oh, oon't know what I mean. Poor you. *insert sarcastic sympethetic voice*)


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Nerdcore 4 |_1|=3 my folkas! Yea, I can be termed 3133tist when it behooves me and, yea, I make words up here and there. I'm what you call bilangual and interchange'l, ya underschmell me. Anyway, incase you havent hearp, nerdcore is noizes by the 133t 4 the 133t and isn't limited to any specific musical genre. MC Frontalot put the term on the map in it's non-derogatory form. Peep the scenahrios folkas. Look out for the Penny Arcade theme. It roxors the audible synapse diagram soxors off. (For the non-133t: Nerdcore is ---> click)


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I'm telling you. Webcomics are where it's at. Maybe my favoritest form of dramatic expression. Here we see a retro take on the 300 theme. Who new ancient Sparta was just a foreshadow of Mario foreshadowing 300.


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More flash. These little games are tons of fun. Things like this take me back to Japan. Sweet nostalgia.

Creep- Radiohead

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How many of you have been here? Sometimes all you need is music. A classic song with an updated twist. Can't go wrong with flash.