Thursday, October 11, 2007

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

Opensource it!

Intelligently made grooved spheres billions of years old? Humans co-existng with dinosaurs? Ancient batteries? Have humans been roaming the earth longer than we estimate? Do we err in our dating methods? How was this technology lost? If you ask me there's a combination of evidence of out of this world intelligence, ancient, lost civilizations, and proof that everything we think we know about the world is waaaaay off. Is there evidence of time travel in here somwhere? Read this article and ponder what could really be out there. Can you imagine ancient humans performing brain surgery? I wonder how much a flight to egypt would have cost me in 1007ad. Dammit, I want answers.


Opensource it!

My mind was wondering on things of the relationship between population and genetics. I imagined that the gender and amount of children is a direct result of natural selection. Let me explain. If someone is sterile it means they have nothing hereditary to offer the human race; a genetic dead end. A mixture of male and female offspring may indicate a good genetic balance, good balance of diversity. What if I spawned more males than females, or vice-versa? Maybe women provide proper population balance of particular genes and males provide the diversity in genetics within each offspring. My mom had 2 boys and 2 girls. I have a boy and a girl. I may be within a decent genetic balance. My brother is the same way. However, I have to keep into account the fact that we are both no longer with our baby mommas so the mixtures end there. But what if we had more children? What genetic outputs would change? I wonder. Lady volunteers may apply for vigorous genetic experimentation via email. It's for the benefit of the human race!

What about you? What genetic theories can you come up with based on gender diversity in your family?

20 useless body parts

Opensource it!

I found this via the firefox add-on, Stumbleupon.

It's a short list of body parts and their theoretical former uses.

It really made my mind wander. Imagine that. Nipple stimulation means open source milk. Take ideas and run with it. So, if I were to take a list of all the body parts in my own body that seemed relatively useless I can trace parts of my evolutionary past? If my feet seemed flat because of extra muscle I have genomes that stemmed from a tree climbing species? Haha. Would that also mean I have the inherent ability to live in trees? Sounds like fun. That's how I'd hide from and spy on the Man. Your mom also.