Monday, November 5, 2007

Go back where you came from!

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Mos Def 911

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We all know that 911 was a lie. Now if only we knew the truth. Yea, yea, old news. Here's a Mos Def collaboration about 911.

Ozone therapy

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More information on the use of electricity to treat illness. This treatment involves using electricity to create ozone for use in small therapeutic doses. It has been discovered to perform an array of essential cell signaling functions when introduced into the blood stream. However, inhaled ozone can be very toxic since it is a free radical. Which is the main reason why its approval for therapy in the US remains unsupported. I think it's just an excuse by big pharma to suppress its mainstream use. There's really no money to be made in ozone therapy. There's also no money for big pharma if everyone is healthy. This vid is kinda long.